SiteBitsCitiesBuenos AiresDispatches ⇒ Bright Lights, Big Signposts

Bright Lights, Big Signposts

Dispatch from Buenos Aires | Published : 08/Apr/2012 22:00

BA street sign

BA street sign

Buenos Aires’ street furniture is slated for a long-awaited overhaul. Starting immediately from the city’s more affluent east and slowly expanding westward, throughout the next 10 months, thousands of bus shelters (refugios de colectivos), street signs, signposts, and ad displays will be replaced with newer, clearer, more modern, and more vandalism-proof versions. This process was actually supposed to start way back in 2001, but was repeatedly delayed due to funding uncertainty, judicial objections, and other equally legitimate-sounding causes. Separately, in a further beaufitication effort, the city has scheduled the planting of more than 5,000 trees in June and July.