Home » United States » New York » How to Order Cawffee in New Yawk

How to Order Cawffee in New Yawk

Posted by Hillary in New York on 13/Jul/2006
Cities the world over have their lingo and New York is not an exception. Obviously. Fuggedaboudit is as much a NYC icon as the apple or the Yankees. It even has it's own street sign.

So it comes as no surprise that ordering cawffee in New York is not the same as ordering coffee in Nebraska (where's that?).

Here's what you need to know to do it like a local:

  1. The Deli. Get your cawffee at a deli, not a Starbucks.

  2. Manners. Nix the "I'd like" and the "please."

  3. Regular. "Regular" in New York means milk and sugar. If this is a new concept for you, chances are your first order will go something like this:
    – "I'd like a coffee with milk and sugar, please"
    – "Regular..."
    – "No, with milk and sugar"
    – "That's what I said, lady! Regular."

  4. Extras. There are two kinds of extras: milk and sugar. Milk is called "light," sugar is called "sweet".

    Possible combinations are therefore as follows: "One cawffee light"
    "One cawffee light and sweet"
    "One regular sweet."
    "One cawffee black and sweet."

  5. Time. Time is at a premium in New York so don't waste it. Yours or other people's. Especially other people's. Know what you want and how to say it. Don't say "Thank You," for example - a quick "Thanks" as you're walking out the door will do just fine.

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