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Barcelona Places

Gaudí's Barcelona
Posted by Alban in Barcelona + Places on 10/Oct/2006
Gaudí Fragment To really enjoy Barcelona - without a doubt, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe - you will be better off steering clear of tourist traps and high-traffic areas. Some landmarks, however, are a "must see"...

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The Seafood Side of Spain
Posted by Alban in Barcelona + Places on 29/Sep/2006
Barcelona MarketWhile the rest of you are out scoping out scenic bus tours of Barcelona and bronzing on the city beach, please excuse me, 'cause I'll be at the fish market getting back to my Mediterranean roots.

In fact, for me, this place is the only reason to go to Las Ramblas. With 7 kinds of shrimp, live lobsters crawling off tables, hundreds of crazy-looking fish and creatures I don't even recognize, I will be entertained for hours. Thank Neptune (or his Spanish twin Neptuno) we have rented an apartment with a hot plate - now I won't have to go away empty-handed. (Because I would rather eat a raw flounder than leave without buying something. Yes, thank Neptune indeed for that hot plate!)...

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Fondue at Gades Restaurant Fondue in Barcelona? Well, why the hell not? That's what we said when after a five-minute deliberation involving counting dining patrons and talking to a kitchen employee on a cigarette break, we decided to "go for it".

Apparently approving of our decision, the ultra-modern glass door slid away automatically, and with that we stepped inside "GADES"...

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